How to Rightly Divide the Word of God

2 Tim. 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The first thing that must be established is that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and that it is without error and contradiction. Paul exhorted Timothy to study to study the Word of God, and to rightly divide it so that he would not have to be ashamed because of his lack of understanding The key phrase in 2 Tim 2;15 is RIGHTLY DIVIDING, many people do not understand the significance of that phrase. So many do not understand that the Bible is not written in verse by verse and chapter by chapter order. There is no other book like the Bible, it is based upon the spiritual Word of God. It was written by the inspiration of His Spirit and it takes the inspiration of His Spirit to understand what is written. 2 Pet 1:20-21 states that the Word of God was not inspired by Man, but men wrote as God inspired them, and the words that they wrote were God’s Word. 1 Cor 2:13-14, tells us that those who are in the natural cannot receive the understanding of Spiritual things. The natural man looks at God’s Word and says that it contradicts itself and that it does not make sense. God does not intend for those who are educated whether it be secularly or in the seminary to be able to understand and discern his word because of their formal training.

            The scriptures must be rightly divided by the Spirit of God in order for them to make sense to the true believer. A passage of scripture from one chapter may need to be compared with a passage of scripture in another book in order to receive God’s intended message. The Bible is a puzzle that requires God’s Spirit to be abiding in the believer for understanding to be revealed. Many passages of scripture are not in chronological order. They also may not necessarily appear physically together. Some scriptures may need to be placed side by side to be compared by the Spirit in order for them to be understood. In Luke 10:21Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit because God had hidden His Word from the wise and the prudent of this world, 1 Cor 1:19 speaks similarly concerning worldly wisdom and prudence. Isa. 28:9-13 foretold how the Word of God would have to be revealed by the Holy ghost, taking a piece of the Word puzzle from here, and place it there, for a spiritual understanding to be revealed (here a little and there a little). The stammering tongues agrees with the context of other tongues, or unknown tongues which the Holy Ghost manifests in last days’ believers. The Holy Ghost has been given to believers that He might instruct and teach believers all things. Be assured that natural knowledge and understanding will not instruct nor reveal the Word of God, it must be rightly cut up by the Spirit. The conclusions reached in these comments have be derived by Rightly Dividing the Word of God.


Today there is controversy among many secular and religious scholars about the value of the King James Version of the Bible being a reliable source for studying the Word of God. This attack on the KJV Bible is being used by the enemy of the Christian Faith to undermine its spiritual value as the source of truth as the Word of God. The problem with the critics of the KJV Bible is that they are trying to understand it with the natural intellectual principles of educational scholars. This type of evaluation of the KJV Bible will continuously produce errors and misunderstandings by the natural man. The only way to understand the value of the KJV Bible will not be a problem for you. The Word of God must be spiritually discerned by spiritual inspiration by His Spirit and not the human intellect.

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